We gathered a team of the right experts on time, bringing in our two decades worth of experience and technical standards in Spring applications, software architecture and quality of the product as well as sharing them with the client’s team.
Our team created a system that automates the entire cycle of the auctioning process including displaying of the auctions, receiving their offers, management of the cycle of the auctions, approval, contestation and the winning process.
A powerful unit auctioning and bidding portal for electricity transmission system
APFAS portal enables displaying of the auctions and regulating or reserving power units, used by the national electricity transmission system operator of the Netherlands, controlled by the Dutch government.
The national Netherland electricity transition that is controlled by the Dutch government, rules the auctioning process for the private entities. They were in need for a web-based portal to enable their suppliers of exchanging offers autonomously instead of hand-picked and processed requests.
The company, being a government owned one, has to strictly follow EU rules. Such rules have been updated recently and oblige them with the creation of a tool to provide a fair and transparent auctioning process to the private entities.
Having started with a Minimum Viable Product for the creation of a first version of one of the applications, the company praised the initial work of the ikubINFO team and chosen to bestow to us the full implementation of the whole entire system.
Technical Challenge
The main challenge of the development team was the creation of a web system, consisted of several applications which could interchange data while applying the ENTSO-e EU standard for the communication in the energy management sector. The solution would automate the most time consuming and hard to process operations while also providing a user-friendly interface to different tenants.
- Improve efficiency and efficacy of auctioning management procedures
- Guarantee integrity, trust and transparency in auctioning process
- Automations and standardized management of the entire auctioning process
- Reduce the administration costs
- Decreased time for administrative proceedings